Joanna Duda (PL/IT) and Morris Kliphuis (NL/DE) join together in this project. The idea for the project WAKE THE DEAD was born at the Sound Out workshop in Sokołowsko (2019), where Duda and Kliphuis worked together for the first time. In WAKE THE DEAD, the world of Baroque instrumental and composing techniques is fused with contemporary compositions, electronic sounds and improvisations. In the resulting concert performance, Duda and Kliphuis will team up with an ensemble of baroque musicians onstage.
This is part one were they start collaborating from scratch in Katowice Miasto Ogrodow building and end of the first week to perform three pieces made, live in Scena za Szybą.
Next to work in progress pictures i took press pictures on different locations and of course live pictures, all for promoting this project.
This project is in cooperation with Machtigingfonds (NL) I-Portunus (EU) and Steunfonds Freelance Photographers (NL). Thanks to Katowice Miasto Ogrodow, Muzeum Hutnictwa and Scena za Szybą for using their space and hospitality.